Environmental policy
Joma promotes a sustainable and long-lasting environmental development, without ever compromising the best interest of the customer's needs.
Our objective is to keep the overall environmental impact of our enterprise, products and services within the limits of what man and nature can handle. Joma’s environmental improvements are to be made at a pace that is technically and financially possible for the company.
Our environmental commitment involves the following:
- We will fulfil the requirements of applicable laws and regulations, and strive to make continual environmental improvements. We will also inform ourselves of and take into consideration the present and future requirements of our customers that could affect our environmental commitment.
- The environmental impact of our enterprise, due to e.g. emissions, noise and waste products, will be controlled and evaluated on a regular basis and, if possible, reduced.
- We will strive to reduce the use of raw material and energy resources.
- When developing products and processes, the overall environmental impact will be taken into consideration.
- When designing new products, we will strive to use material that is kind to the environment and that facilitates recycling. The choice of packaging will be done according to the same principles.
- As we make technical acquisitions, we will strive to achieve the highest recycling level possible from production waste and worn-out products/production equipments.
- We will influence our vendors and contractors to contribute to the fulfilment of Joma’s environmental policy.
- We aim for our transportations to always be rendered more effective and improved for the purpose of reducing the negative effects on the environment.
- All our employees will have the information and instructions necessary to do their work in an environmentally responsible way.
- In promoting an environmental development, we will keep an open mind towards customers, vendors, authorities and the public.